Facial Feminization

We've all know that most of your favorite Beautiful Transgenders had gone through the process of facial feminization. Changing their physical appearance from male birth to female born. But how does facial feminization is being done?

What is Facial Feminization Surgery?

Facial Feminization Surgery or FFS is a surgery that involves cosmetic modification on your facial characteristics.

The goal is to soften masculinized features into a shape more typically recognized as feminine. FFS is commonly pursued by transgender women or assigned male at birth (AMAB) non-binary trans people. It can appeal to cisgender women as well.

FFS is tailored to each person and can encompass up to every aspect of the face and neck. FFS mostly focuses on bone structure and nose shape. Soft tissue work, such as face-lifts and neck lifts, can be incorporated when necessary.

Facial Feminization Surgery is performed in different surgery. Forehead procedure is one of the heaviest part to construct. Forehead procedures contour the forehead by shaving down hard angles and reducing the prominence of the brow bone. Sometimes the brow can simply be shaved down when the brow protrusion is smaller and when the brow bone itself is thick.

Heavily shaving down the brow bone may result in a hole in the sinus cavity. For this reason, people with a larger brow protrusion require a more involved procedure. In these cases, the front of the brow bone is entirely removed, temporarily exposing the sinus cavity behind it. The removed bone is then contoured separately and replaced, so it lies flat.

Next is the Headline alternation, Forehead work is often paired with procedures to alter the hairline in order to counteract the effects of receding hairlines or male pattern baldness.

The forehead is accessed through an incision in the scalp. The most common approach is to cut along the hairline, which allows for the scalp and hairline to be physically moved forward, lowering the entire hairline. This was the only procedure available for many years. Hairline advancement became the default standard, despite sometimes having a masculinizing effect.

In recent years, a new method of coronal incision (along the top of the head) has been pioneered by the FacialTeam in Spain. The coronal incision hides the incision scar within the bulk of the person’s head hair. It faces upwards, away from the view of most other people.

If you’re interested in receiving hair transplants, talk to your doctor about a coronal incision. Unlike the hairline advancement procedure, a coronal incision allows for simultaneous hair transplants. This is because the incision is far from the hairline.

Then Nose Surgery, Rhinoplasty, popularly known as a nose job, contours the nose to fit within unmasculinized norms while maintaining natural proportion with the rest of the facial features.

Transgender rhinoplasty doesn’t differ from standard cosmetic rhinoplasty. However, a surgeon experienced with FFS can sometimes provide better results, especially when multiple facets of the face are being altered at once.

When less extreme changes are called for, rhinoplasty can be performed without external scarring. When performing more involved changes to the nose, an “open rhinoplasty” may be required. This results in a small scar between the nostrils, but it’s often barely noticeable.

Cheek augmentation is a less common procedure. It’s only recommended by some surgeons in certain cases.

Cheek augmentation can involve cheek implants or fat grafting. For many people, when synthetic hormones begin to redistribute body fat, the cheeks get sufficiently fuller on their own. This makes a surgical procedure unnecessary.

Lip lift, masculinized and unmasculinized faces have different proportions of skin above the lips (up to the base of the nose) and below the lips (down to the tip of the chin).

Unmasculinized faces tend to have a shorter distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose. The upper lip often curls more upward. A masculinized face can be given a lip lift. This shortens the distance above the lip and adjusts the lip orientation.

Jaw surgery focuses on the back corners of the jaw, where the bone turns up toward the ears. A surgeon can smooth strong protrusions. However, there are limits to the reductions. The jaw bone contains a crucial nerve. Aggressive reductions risk exposing or severing the nerve.

A tracheal shave reduces the appearance of the Adam’s apple. Sometimes the incision is made right at the Adam’s apple. When possible, the surgeon will make the incision just below the chin so that scarring is less noticeable.

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